My first week at collage !

Starting at a new school job collage, club can always be very daunting, as you are in a completely new environment, surrounded by a whole new group of people. So i will be telling you about how mine went, the night before my first day the butterfly’s had not yet set in so i was feeling very enthusiastic about starting fresh, I tried to be as organised as i could and had got all my things ready to go that morning Packed my bag and planed my outfit and had it already to go. That’s when my nerves kicked in as i started to think more and more about “what if i catch the wrong train” or “what if I’m late or forget my equipment”. So i decided after that little episode of paranoia ill go double check my bag, just to be sure and after my night routine i headed off to bed.

So if you know me rather well my friends know I run round like a lunatic trying to get ready in the morning, no matter how organised i am i always have to rush. This may be because i take half an hour to do my hair and then by the time i leave the house I’m already adding more hairspray but oh well !! I like to make the effort and look my best no matter the day. And as you all guessed it this morning played out exactly like that....

So after i had eventually left the house at exactly half past seven, i was dropped at the station with ten minutes until my train was due. And was surprisingly rather calm and got on the train and changed at my station and arrived at collage and all went well.

Walking in the room with only a few minutes to spare, i found my see and was ready to go. The room was silent to start but as the day went on we started to all have burst of conversation and overall the day went really well and was excited to come in the next day. 

As the week went on I got to Wednesday and was loving it, but absolutely drained and was so so ready for my day off, after all the home work and late nights trying to get ahead i was desperate for my so call layin that lasted until about nine thirty when my dog decides to come and lick my face begging for her walk. After i sorted out my dog with the doggy necessities, i started powering through the home work what surprisingly not to bad as i know its all worth it by the end. As the day went on i was done and had a break and FaceTimed my friends and we all caught up discussing how much we all miss one another :(( conveniently we have all gone to separate collages and six forms so we all make time to see one another what is really important especially with this whole pandemic situation that going on btw- make sure to wash your hand wear masks and socially distance- so make sure you make time to see your friends and family and stay safe while still doing so, this is really important.

Once i had came back from my day off of catch ups with friends and homework, i was ready to take on my Friday. By then I was talking to all the amazing people on my course, making jokes and just really embracing my collage experience. I’m so so lucky to have met these awesome people that have been so nice to me and i have loved getting to know every single one of them. As it came to the end of the day i got my train home and got ready to head off to work what ended my week nicely.

Overal I’m really enjoying going to collage I wouldn’t change anything, well if corona wasn’t around that would be handy but I’m having a great time despite that and cant wait to see what happens next:)) 

And Remember to stay safe, keep in touch with all your friends even if you don’t see them on a day to day  make time to as it’s really important to keep those bonds.

Bye guys !


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