photo edits using liquified
hey guys so i have been using adobe to edit my own images now a bit more as i have been getting used to how it works and i’m a lot more confident i can’t lie to you all, hahha
so the image i’m using today is from a mirror selfie i took a while ago and it’s a nice image but it needs something extra so.......
i have decided to edit it yayyyyyy
this is the beginning picture as you can see it’s quite basic and what i’m going to be doing is adding an image to the camera lenses and make it look like a portal. so sum pretty cool stuff that took me a while but it was worth a try :)
so to create this image into a masterpiece you need to go on to photoshop and then to the layers and rename it the background this is also in the photoshop website for a more in-depth of how i done it by following this you then need to duplicate this layer by dragging it into the create the new layer, then you are going to go select and mask , this will then it will appear with some properties then go into view and go on black and choose the quick selection tool this will turn it a different colour to show what you have and haven’t selected that you want to change in the end to your new image. copy over the new image in to a new layer and then clip the image on the layer below crating a thing called a clipping mask and alt click between the layer one then drag the image to fit in the shape you have mine is my lens and it’s done
i’m i’m quite happy with mine and it looks quite interesting giving a very distorted effect
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