allowing your self to fail !

 failure it’s hard and nobody likes to fail, but i feel for us to grow and develop it needs to happen it’s vital to life and to shape us as a person. personally i have faced failure and i did not like it it was the worst ! and being in a friend group that was highly achieving it takes its effect and you do feel down. like i can remember we would sit at a table comparing what you got in the recent test mock exams and they all got higher grades i was more creative than Academic what was clear and i knew that but the feeling being lower was hard and upsetting and the look of going that’s so good well done with the fake no it’s amazing you should be so happy like i’m not happy and i would sit there and be annoyed that they assumed i wasn’t happy with what i got like i am and i know i’m challenged a lot more i’m dyslexic and it takes me longer but then realising after all that it’s my Journey and not there’s, but you can’t be getting grade 7 gcses or a distinction every time but it okay not to, i know this sounds like i’m going against every thing you have been told from primary to secondary and maybe even college, but iwas told it’s your own Journey to were you want to be in the future and not the people around you, so what they are ahead but they have there own struggles ! and down falls to like they might be good at things your are not and that’s  good it makes you an individual but don’t get hung up on it ! 

i feel it’s is the education system and how they think being Academic is the only way to be successful in life and yes in some situations it is but for the creative student is not about that and not having the opportunity to explore, that causes the lack of concentration on that course and way people don’t enjoy and then feel education is irrelevant and not vital to life, and changing your mind is seen as a bad thing quite that course if it’s not for you go try another one if you want and that is the luxury of our free education and being able to explore the different options that the world has to offer like you never know like uni might not be for you now but in a few years it could be and good change your mind developed the way you are thinking and how it’s done and don’t be afraid to ask for help and questions people love talking about what they do if they have the same passion and want to pass that on ! so communicate, fail, change your mind, explore, take advantage. 

it’s apart of the life experience to shape you and you will become a better person from the things that do go right but that is okay ! 

add me on instagram @rhys.kitching and dm happy to engage :)


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